RNA Club 2022-2023
Meets every 2nd Thursday of the month. | 4:00 - 6:00 pm | @ Zoom : https://ucsc.zoom.us/j/99660744134?pwd=bmc0OHJ3aXlSMWR4d1VEcnJUbDlBUT09 | rm 123 Sinsheimer Labs, UCSC |
October 13th
Dennis Mulligan - Brooks Lab, UCSC
Using MESA to analyze splicing signatures
Henry Moore - Lowe Lab, UCSC
Why do tRNAs continue to evolve?
November 10th
Michael Lawson - Puglisi Lab, Stanford
Basis of Speed and Fidelity in Eukaryotic Translation Termination
Nicole Martinez - Martinez Lab, Stanford
Uncovering new functions of RNA modifications in mRNA processing
December 8th
TBD - Sanford Lab, UCSC
Nicole Martinez - Shipman Lab, UCSF, Gladstone Institutes
Contact (phone) : Alexandria Smart or Phyll Tveit 9-3703