RNA Club 2017-18 Academic year

Meets every 2nd Thursday of the month. 4:00 - 6:00 pm @ rm 123 Sinsheimer Labs, UCSC

April 12th

Liang Meng Wee - Bustamante Lab, UC Berkeley
Two molecules at a time: Ribosome alters transcription trajectory of RNA Polymerase to regulate gene expression

Logan Mulroney - Akeson Lab, UCSC
Detecting the five prime cap and chemical adducts on RNA molecules using a nanopore

January 18th

Andrew Wallace - Sanford Lab, UCSC
Comparative transcriptomic analysis of primate neurodifferentation reveals conserved and species-specific splicing dynamics

Stevie Nystrom - Ares lab,UCSC
Branch point recognition by the spliceosome

December 14th

Ed Rice - Green Lab, UCSC
Nova1 and splicing in the Neanderthal brain

Jason Talkish - Ares lab,UCSC
Regulation of ATP-dependent pre-spliceosome assembly by Cus2, Hsh155, and Prp5

November 9th

Brian Lin - Lowe Lab, UCSC
What can you do with 100,000 tRNAs ?

Christina Palka - Stone lab,UCSC
High-throughput RNA structure probing using multidimensional chemical mapping - Coming to a bench near you

October 12th

Andrew MacRae - Jurica Lab, UCSC
Dynamics of the spliceosome protein Prp8 are linked to 5’ splice site recognition

Joshua Arribere - Arribere lab,UCSC
Nonsense mRNA suppression via nonstop decay

Contact: Harry Noller