RNA Club 2024-2025

Meets every 2nd Thursday of the month. 4:00 - 6:00 pm @ Zoom : https://ucsc.zoom.us/j/99660744134?pwd=bmc0OHJ3aXlSMWR4d1VEcnJUbDlBUT09 rm 123 Sinsheimer Labs, UCSC


Oct 10th

Samantha Kalla - PacBio

Eva Edelson - Stone Lab, UCSC
Exploring human telomerase folding in induced pluripotent stem cells using MaPseq

Novenmber 14th

Matt Modena - Arribere Lab, UCSC
PINning down NMD’s cleavage mechanism

Jesse Leavitt - Lowe Lab, UCSC
The Evolutionary Landscape of tRNA Modifications in Archaea: Insights from High-Throughput Sequencing

December 12th

Diana Escalona - Carpenter Lab, UCSC
Using genetic mouse models to determine GAPLINC’s role in regulating innate immunity

Roselyn Grosely - Puglisi Lab, Stanford
Delineating the mechanism of repeat-associated non-AUG translation initiation in C9 ALS

Contact (phone) : Gillian Rexroad or Phyll Tveit 9-3703


Gillian Rexroad

Phyll Tveit

Harry Noller

Chloe Wohlenberg

Martin Gutierrez