RNA Club 2022-2023

Meets every 2nd Thursday of the month. 4:00 - 6:00 pm @ Zoom : https://ucsc.zoom.us/j/99660744134?pwd=bmc0OHJ3aXlSMWR4d1VEcnJUbDlBUT09 rm 123 Sinsheimer Labs, UCSC


May 9th

Gena Lapointe - Ares lab, UCSC
An ancient non-coding exon controls polyamine homeostasis by NMD coupled alternative splicing

Helen Alexandra Sakharova - Lareau Lab,UC Berkeley
Combining large language models and genome-wide screens to identify codon constraints in yeast

February 8th

Kate Schubert - Auerbuch-Stone Lab, UCSC
The Role of Polyadenylation in Bacterial Pathogens

Christy Montano - Carpenter Lab, UCSC
Functional characterization of lncRNAs in human monocyte to macrophage differentiation


December 14th

Yasmine Elshenawi - Ottemann Lab, UCSC
Investigating the role of Ribosome Silencing Factor S in Helicobacter Pylori Planktonic and Biofilm growth

Melissa Jurica - Jurica Lab, UCSC
Stressed out splicing? Cellular effects of SF3B1 inhibitors

October 12th

Marco Blanchette - Eclipsebio, VP R & D

Bronwyn Lucas - Lucas Lab,UC Berkeley

November 9th

Yizhu Lin - Floor Lab, UCSF
RNA molecular recording with an engineered RNA deaminase

Angela Brooks - Brooks Lab,UCSC
Systematic assessment of long-read RNA-seq methods for transcript identification and quantification

Contact (phone) : Gillian Rexroad or Phyll Tveit 9-3703


Gillian Rexroad

Phyll Tveit

Harry Noller