Zing's biggest conference to date - Ribosomes Conference 2013

The meeting consisted of 55 top quality talks over 4 days, including three from past Nobel Prize winners, Thomas Steitz, Ada Yonath and Venki Ramakrishnan. Between the Zing team and the chairs we were able to successfully organize our biggest conference yet. A big thank you to the chairs, Jamie Cate and Jamie Williamson for all of their efforts, they have provided these closing words:

"The Ribosomes 2013 conference, held this year in Napa Valley, California, marked the latest in a long series of triennial ribosome meetings dating back over 40 years. The conference brought together over 263 world leaders in understanding the structure and function of the ribosome. Fourteen years since the first electron density maps of ribosomal subunits were presented at the Helsingor, Denmark meeting, this year's meeting proved Peter Moore right. In 1999, Peter allayed the fears of many in the field by emphatically stating, "This is not the beginning of the end, but the end of the beginning." From the fabulous advances presented in Ribosomes 2013, covering every aspect from proton movement to the impact of translation on whole organisms, the horizon for understanding the ribosome continues to expand.

And three cheers to the organizers for Ribosomes 2016 (or Ribosomes 2015?): Christian Spahn, Daniel Wilson, and Marat Yusupov." Jamie Cate and Jamie Williamson

Zing Ribosomes Conference Group Photo
The photo below shows the large group of 263 attendees who made the trip to the Silverado in Napa Valley for the Zing Ribosomes Conference.