How do I format from a template?

If the primary sequence of a rna strand is in register with other strands in an alignment file and the secondary structure graph exists for the rna strand, then a secondary structure graph can be produced for any other strand in that alignment file. Currently only "mase" format and "genbank" format are supported for alignment files. The newly generated secondary structure graph will have all helices reformated in place including reformatting any hairpin loops. Any extra nucleotides in the new secondary structure graph belong in connecting loops to be further edited. They will be placed in the upper right hand corner of the new secondary structure graph in contiguous sets of nucleotides. This is done in case there is complicated positioning of single stranded nucleotides in the parent secondary structure graph that needs to be maintained. The steps for producing a new secondary structure graph from a template are:

What command line can I use to derive a new structure?

Type at a command line window:

java -jar xrna.jar -derive template_name derived_name alignment_file

Where template_name is the name of the sequence in an alignment file acting as a template. Where derived_name is the name of the sequence in an alignment file to be derived. Where align_file is the name of the alignment file in mase or Genbank format Currently an alignment file must have the extension '.mase' for a mase alignment file or '.gb' for a Genbank alignment file.

For example:

java -jar xrna.jar -derive e.coli_5s thermus.5s 5s.align.mase

will generate a XRNA input file called thermus.5s.xrna derived from a XRNA input file called e.coli_5s.xrna given that there are the 2 sequences called e.coli_5s and thermus.5s in the alignment file called 5s.align.mase. The primary structure in e.coli_5s.xrna must match the primary structure in 5s.align.mase under the name e.coli_5s.