16:15:15 From Jason Talkish : Can you please repeat the question if possible 16:16:12 From Jason Talkish : Thank you! 16:38:06 From Todd Lowe : Q: Yeast snoRNAs actually have extra stem-loops in their intronic snoRNAs, too. Looking for functional roles within these extra stem-loops in these snoRNAs could possibly reveal clues about the other intronic sequence stem-loops 17:04:34 From Cole R. K. Harder (MCD Bio) : Carol can you please turn off your virtual background? 17:04:45 From Cole R. K. Harder (MCD Bio) : We cannot see the stick on zoom 17:42:03 From Todd Lowe : Yeah, just barcode each end and sequence 17:43:34 From Susan Carpenter : lncRNAS are fun! 17:43:57 From Susan Carpenter : Manny answered it