BMW Motorcycles

"Precision instruments are designed to achieve an idea, dimensional precision, whose perfection is impossible"
Robert Pirsig: Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

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Welcome to my BMW motorcycle page. I own the 1974 R90/6 pictured above. I enjoy working on it as much as I do riding it. This bike is exceptionally well built and easy to maintain, two things I really appreciate in a machine.
My 1974 R90 is for the most part a long wheel base 1973 /5 with a 900 cc engine. It has /5 electrics, 4 speed transmission, integrated headlight bucket/speedometer, and drum brakes front and back. The frame is from a 1977 /7 R75. I chose this collection of parts based on a combination of criteria that included simplicity, functionality, durability and style. You can read more about it on my R90/5 project page.
I am in the process of collecting electronic information about this classic piece of German engineering. A great portion of this information was gathered from the /5 YahooGroups e-mail list. This list is just for /5 motorcycle enthusists who are interested in getting to know their bikes better, meeting other owners, learning about rallys and events, and passing on information to others. There are many knowlegable subscribers that can help you if you have questions about maintainence or problems. If you are interested in joining see the Slash 5 e-mail list subscription instructions.